Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sound track for love.

"You move like I want to. To see like your eyes do"-Deftones
  The virginity song. It's an older concept but the phrase I had just stumbled on to today. The song you were listening to/thinking of the first time you had sex. Or for those of us who still hold their v-cards what song would you want as a theme to that particular event. The point is nostalgia and an inference of your feelings at the time. Plus, a sound track for our lives needs a fitting song, even the most intimate parts.
For me, still having yet to cross that thresh hold, the song I would like to hear would be “Digital Bath” by the Deftones. If your familiar with it, you know the song (and half of the whole White Pony album) is directly about sex,. Unlike the songs Fur elisia (kidnapping), Stay (necrophilia), Change (new found freedom in sex, drugs and partying corrupting you) and Passenger (exhibitionism) there is more then just sexual desire in the subject matter. There are elements both lyrically and tonally which demonstrate enchantment with the woman, expressing how she's different and she effects everything happening around her in a fascinating way. The one line chorus “tonight I feel like more” isn't subtle, but it doesn't need to be. You hear passion, desire, magic and even a little sadness in this song. You could call it sensual more than sexual. It doesn't get vulgar or forceful even at the full crescendo and the ending is like an exhale after holding a short breath.
  For my more personal reasons to pick this song, the album came out right around that first year of puberty. Not the best time of my life but it was the period where I started establishing my musical preference and by extension, my identity. In 6th and 7th grade, most days I would come home, go to my room, put my head phones on and listen to music. Some times for hours, just laying there listening. White Pony was one of the first albums I had, most of the time I listened to the radio, and there was a point where I knew every note of every song except for “Pink Maggot” the last song which cut of because it was a boot-leg copy. It became the sound track for sneaking cigarettes, ditching classes, skateboarding and of course preteen fantasies. As an adult, a lot of the elements of those days have soured or just faded but “Digital Bath” is still a fawned, treasured and slightly missed piece of my growing up.

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